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Bottom of the funnel (BoFu)

BoFu refers to the final stage of the customer journey where prospects are in the decision-making
phase and are close to making a purchase

Bottom of the funnel (BoFu)

BoFu refers to the final stage of the customer journey where prospects are in the decision-making
phase and are close to making a purchase

Bounce Rate

The percentage of single-page visits or users who leave a website without interacting with other pages. A high bounce rate may indicate a lack of engagement or relevance.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of sent emails that were not delivered due to invalid email addresses or other delivery issues. A high bounce rate can negatively impact email deliverability.

Bounded Rationality

The idea that consumers have limited time and cognitive resources to make decisions, leading to simplified decision-making processes and reliance on heuristics.

Brand Advocacy

The act of loyal customers or individuals actively promoting and endorsing a brand. Brand advocates help generate positive word-of-mouth, share positive experiences, and influence others’ purchasing decisions.

Brand Awareness

The level of recognition and familiarity that consumers have with a brand. It indicates how well a brand is known and remembered by its target audience.

Brand Book

A comprehensive guide that documents a brand’s identity, including brand values, mission, vision, logo usage, color palettes, and brand guidelines.

Brand Consistency

The practice of maintaining a uniform brand identity and messaging across all touchpoints and marketing channels. Brand consistency builds trust and recognition among consumers.

Brand Equity

The intangible value and perception associated with a brand. It encompasses factors such as brand reputation, customer loyalty, brand recognition, and brand associations.

Brand Equity

Brand equity is the perceived value and strength of a brand in the marketplace. It is built through positive customer experiences, brand loyalty, and associations with the brand, leading to increased customer trust and willingness to pay a premium for the brand’s products or services.

Brand Extension

The strategy of using an existing brand name to launch a new product or product line in a different category. Brand extensions leverage the existing brand’s equity and recognition to gain traction in new markets.