Why the CMO Role is Going Through a Rough Phase

Is the role of the CMO dying

Over the past decade, the marketing domain has witnessed a significant broadening of its scope. Today’s ‘Modern CMO’ is not just a brand visionary and a product marketing guru but is also adept in emerging fields such as data science, marketing technology (Martech), and lifecycle marketing.

Are Marketers Bad at Numbers?

Are Marketers Bad at Numbers

Understanding the red flags of bad data should lead marketers to enhance their internal systems, particularly identity resolution tools.

Navigating the 2024 Marketing Trendscape

Navigating the 2024 Marketing Trendscape

As the marketing stage undergoes a cosmic remix in 2024, one thing is clear – it’s not just about shouting into the digital abyss anymore. From fortifying our online castles against cyber dragons to trading in influencers for animated rockstars, the game has changed.

Lessons from 2023 and Looking Ahead

Lessons from 2023 and Looking Ahead

It’s never been clearer that there is a pressing need for good, effective marketing leadership. In today’s age of self-proclaimed experts and no shortage of advice on the internet, it’s hard to cut through the noise and still maintain credibility.

The Holy Grail of Marketing for Startups

The Holy Grail of Marketing for Startups

With the dearth of information available, it can be pretty confusing for startups, especially those in the B2B tech space, to create a half-decent marketing strategy. 

Demand Generation vs Lead Generation – The Marketing Perspective

Demand generation vs Lead generation The Marketing Perspective

Demand generation and lead generation are often used interchangeably. Apart from most experienced marketers, there is often confusion between the two strategies and what they entail. While they share a common goal – driving revenue – these two approaches are distinct in their methods and objectives.