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Why the CMO Role is Going Through a Rough Phase

Is the role of the CMO dying

Over the past decade, the marketing domain has witnessed a significant broadening of its scope. Today’s ‘Modern CMO’ is not just a brand visionary and a product marketing guru but is also adept in emerging fields such as data science, marketing technology (Martech), and lifecycle marketing.

Are Marketers Bad at Numbers?

Are Marketers Bad at Numbers

Understanding the red flags of bad data should lead marketers to enhance their internal systems, particularly identity resolution tools.

Good Content or Not? Here’s How to Tell

Good Content or Not Heres How to Tell

Measuring content quality is challenging due to the myriad factors involved. However, remember that quality content should be helpful, relevant, and aligned with business goals.

The Rising Role of Social Media in Market Research

Social Media

The world of market research is evolving, with social media playing a pivotal role in shaping its future. As marketers, the opportunity lies in harnessing this powerhouse while navigating its intricacies with a discerning eye.

Navigating the Multi-Channel Maze with MarTech

Juggling multi channel marketing with MarTech

Reaching the customers at the right moment is a top priority for marketers. It’s also a struggle. Multi-channel marketing offers a way out by enabling you to engage with customers on their preferred medium or channel.